Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yesterday's Delivery - Friday, July 11, 2008

Yesterday's delivery went well despite my not prepping the kitchen the night before. First step: lots of dishes and cleaning of counter tops. Karen and I decided that doing the vegetables and flowers separately works better. That way we can use the large table for each step. (This once was known as the dining room table. I think Rob and I used to eat there...) Of course we always have kept the two items separate in certain ways, using separate tools, tubs, counters, etc. and washing our hands between flowers and vegetables. We don't want to get flowers mixed up into your vegies - except for the mesclun flowers, of course. Mesclun flowers now include Johnny Jump Ups, Borage, Nasturium, and Shungiku. Later there will be Calendula and maybe more. Mesclun also includes Purslane and Chickweed. These are both tasty and included on purpose. AND I do like adding vegetables to the bouquets, anything that looks pretty or interesting.

kale - Red Russian, Dwarf Siberian or Winerbor
baby pak choy
beet thinnings - all edible but the stems and roots are a bit stringy so you might want to just use the leaves.
turnips and their tops - mostly Hakarai with 1 Red Milan in each bunch
snow peas - just a taste
shelling peas - Alderman - the last row to bear this year
herb bouquet - sage, cilantro, rosemary, tarragon

bouquet - Yarrow, Sweet Peas, Gypsophilia (Baby's Breath), Rubeckia, Dianthus (smells really sweet), Shapdragons, Day lilies (my own special mango-colored ones I grew from seed), Calendula, Centaurea, Hosta, Meadowsweet, Cilantro, Garlic scapes, a bit of everything!

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