Saturday, June 13, 2009

YESTERDAY'S Delivery - Friday, June 12, 2009

Hello folks,

Yesterday's picking was a bit of a hustle for the picking crew. Because of the recent rains, the plants were splashed with soil and everything needed washing. (LOVE THAT RAIN THOUGH) Plus we did a fair amount of thinning for this picking, good for the garden and tasty tender greens but it takes longer to pick that way. BUT we did finish in time for Heather to get to work and for the shares to be delivered the usual time and the kitchen is nearly cleaned up so things are good.

For those of you who got chard thinnings, I found them relatively easy to prepare. Just put them in a tub of water, cut off their roots, wash again in the salad spinner. Very tender. They cook down alot.

mesclun - 8 oz
head lettuce 1
arugula 7.5 oz
baby greens - 1 lb. chard thinnings plus 1 more of these: kale, mustard, spinach
endive - 2 heads - watch the recipe blog for cooking ideas. I like to saute it with olive oil and garlic.
bouquet - Iris, Peonies, Lady's Mantle, Salvia, Valerian, Kousa Dogwood, Doronicum

MINI-SHARES - 2 of these:
head lettuce
and a mini-bouquet

Enjoy your vegetables and flowers!

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