RED CHIDORI KALE - growing bigger and more beautiful every day.
Hello farm members,
Heather and I seem to be in a good routine with picking the shares. It proceeds easily and the two of us are always thinking ahead to the next picking and what needs to happen for that and beyond. Right now we are organizing our replanting plans. We need to plant more mesclun, arugula, and lettuce and it's also time to start some of the fall crops such as beets, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage. The planting just goes on and on. To tell the truth, I have not noticed any particular lull in the planting. We just keep planting and planting. Our next focus will be weeding, mulching and panting, errr, I mean planting!
The peas are getting fatter every day so one day soon there will be snap peas, shell peas and snow peas. (Which will be ready first, I wonder.) There are tiny tomatoes on the greenhouse tomatoes. The various kale plants are growing fast. The beans of all kinds, green, shell, soy, bush and pole are all looking green and vigorous. On the down side, the woodchucks ate some tomato leaves and 'pruned' the sweet pea plants. And something ate the tops off the first kolrabi planting and some of the annual flowers. Hopefully there will be enough for everyone.
On Monday we thinned the turnips and found some turnips that were filled out as well as plenty of turnip greens. So the Monday full shares got some turnips and the Monday mini-shares got some greens. Cook your turnip greens like any other green, either saute or steam them until tender but not mushy. Many people enjoy a bit of ham hock or bacon added to their turnip greens or you could mix in some of the turnips themselves or some chopped onion or whatever you like. Oh yes, if you get turnips, you can certainly eat the tops as well!
SHARE # 6 - June 26 Delivery and June 29 Pickup
mesclun/baby spinach
lettuce? we are waiting for the next batch to get big...
turnip greens and/or turnips
kale or collards
peas?? these are starting to fill out.
Swiss chard
greens of some kind
lettuce? or mesclun
*We really need bags for greens. Please return your clean dry bags if possible or provide reusable containers if you can.*
See you soon.
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