Suddenly, the shares seem big! And there is enough growing in the garden that I didn't need to pick every last leaf that was ready for harvest.
Lots of Sweet William for the bouquets this week, and there are calendula, yarrow, canterbury bells and rudbeckia starting to bloom. Flowers for everyone.
The garlic scapes are in full swing. Expect more next week.
Check out the recipe blog for some ideas for using radish tops, kolrabi, garlic scapes, parsley and pea shoots.
Full Share
mesclun 4 oz
kolrabi 4
parsley 4 oz
garlic scapes 6.5 oz
radishes 2 big bunches
scallions 3.5oz
pea shoots 3 oz
cilantro 1.3 oz
chard/beet thinnings 6 oz
mustard greens 1 #
Half Share
Half as much as the full share but no mustard greens and the same amount of mesclun
Mini Shares
Everyone gets 4 oz mesclun and a big bunch of radishes, except for the special requests who got parsley and turnip greens.
Enjoy your fresh food and flowers!
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