Mini Share - 1 bunch radishes and 6 oz. mesclun
We did it! We picked and packed for all the shares this time and the Mini Share folks came and picked up their mesclun and radishes. It was great to have the farm going full swing and thank you, everyone for patiently waiting for your food to grow.
Some little Pick Up related items:
Please check off your NAME when you take your share, so I can tell who didn't get theirs if there is a problem.
Please do take your food in any bag or container it is packed in, if you wish. Please wash, dry and return freezer BAGS and CONTAINERS. This is a big help to me.
If I have extra EGGS, I will put them in the little refrigerator. Any that are reserved will be so marked but others are for sale. $4.00 a dozen. Leave the money in the basket.
FLOWERS - So far we are using no real system except trusting that each person will take flowers if they want and leave some for others. It's working fine, and later there will be even more flowers available so that should continue to be fine. If you don't want flowers for yourself, or even if you do but it looks like there are lots that day, please take flowers for someone who needs something beautiful and bright in their life.
Approximate amounts for the Half Shares; Full Shares got twice as much.
1 bunch radishes
6 oz. mesclun
5 oz. turnip greens
3 oz. arugula
1/2 oz. cilantro
herb sampler: lemon thyme, parsley, peppermint
To see photos of all the 2011 shares click here.
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