Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Delivery #19 - October 3, 2008

Dear farm members,

We made it to October! Yay!

The garden is slowing down and yet there are still things to pick. Every time I pick for the shares I am surprised by how much is there. The Farm Stand is closed, so the garden is now just for you and me. My expectation is that we will have a few more deliveries but they will get smaller each time. I wish I had potatoes and winter squash and many, many roots to share with you. Next year!

Every time I visit the green house I feel the extra warmth in there and it's starting to feel really nice. A friend told me that his greenhouse, of the same type, had 70 degree temperatures on sunny days last February. That reminds me, I need to leave space in there for a chair... It all seems amazing to me but I am prepared to be delighted.

Generally this spot does not get hit by the earliest light frosts so the pole beans may still be producing this week. The greens are slowing down their growth rate but there will be some. The chickens are out of the garage at last. Some will be butchered in a few weeks and the rest are supposed to start laying in December. I will have extra eggs for sale, if you are interested. Raised organically, of course.

Horseradish: The best way I know to keep horseradish (and ginger root) is to wash it and stick it in the freezer. Then when you want some, just grate off the amount you need and put the rest back in the freezer. The horseradish you buy in the store is basically grated root plus vinegar so that's very easy to make. No more moldy horseradish or shriveled ginger! See the recipe blog for an easy recipe for beets using horseradish.


a few tomatoes
red onions
horseradish root


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