July 11, 2011
Good morning, farming friends,
Sweet peas!
Oh, it is so SUMMERY around here! Hot and sunny, lots of bees and butterflies, lots of pepper and tomato blossoms, flowers bursting into bloom, tiny fruits forming and ripening. Every time I turn around there is something new to see. This morning it was half inch long cucumbers and a multitude of young runner beans. The earth is bountiful.
One of my favorite flowers is in full bloom now. SWEET PEAS. They smell incredible and like many annuals, they simply must be picked or they will stop flowering. Okay. I will! (Keep in mind that sweet pea flowers are toxic! Garden pea flowers are edible. Go figure.)
PICK YOUR OWN snap peas went well last week. This week there should be more snap peas and some snow peas (like those used in stir fry) as well. There are some flowers blooming that area as well and you are welcome pick some of those too. Later there will be cherry tomatoes in a variety of colors and shapes and flavors.
We have been WEEDING and weeding and weeding. Thanks to Robin's efforts, the Swiss chard and hot peppers and Brussel sprouts and the second planting of carrots and beets have room to grow and thrive. I thinned the first planting of carrots and was surprised to see how many are getting close to full size. I plan on letting them get nice and big before picking the next batch but it won't be very long.
The salad tomatoes and pole bean areas look like lush little JUNGLES. Every time I go by I try to tuck those plants up their poles and trellises. We are trying to keep in control so we can get in there to pick. Already there are plenty of green tomatoes and tiny beans. The bush beans already have full sized beans and Rob and I ate the first picking of Provider bush beans this past weekend. Delicious! I'll be picking for the shares this week!
Yes, I did say RASPBERRIES. Raspberries. And black raspberries. I picked the first few pints on the weekend and they were wonderful. The weather is perfect for ripening fruit so I expect the full and half shares to have berries this week. If there is enough, the minis can have some as well. Raspberry season usually lasts about 3 weeks. By the time the season is done, everyone can have some at least once.
Gosh, this is a busy place. We also have BABY CHICKS. The second batch is hatching. Total count so far is six and we are hoping for more. Both moms are doing a great job of caring for their babies. The most entertaining thing so far was giving them some chickweed a few days ago. The bantam mom kept picking at the plants and her chicks would reach up to take tiny leaves out of her mouth! The next day when I gave them the chickweed, the chicks knew all about what to do and kept tugging at the plants themselves. In general, it is great to see the mother hens caring for and teaching their little ones.
I could go on and on but better stop. I will just say that the large bundles of strange smelling greenery hanging up to dry on the porch is not an illegal substance! It's just STINGING NETTLES that we are drying to feed the chickens in the winter. Nettles are full of protein, vitamins and minerals and easy to add to their grain.
pea shoots
head lettuce? (Next batch is almost ready.)
green garlic
sorrel (A green leafy herb with a lemon flavor, especially nice for sorrel and potato soup or with eggs.)
shell peas - full and working
fava beans - full and working, more? (I forgot to mention that these are starting up! Bigger by the minute.)
snap peas pyo
snow peas pyo
rubeckia, calendula. tithonia, snaps, sweet peas, cosmos, more
Several of these items only have enough for 2 or 3 shares. There's plenty over all but it will be first come, first serve if you have a preference.
1 - Your Choice of TWO of these:
green garlic
(raspberries - may or may not be available this week)
Farmer's Choice of any of the above or something else entirely that needs picking!
2 - flowers
3 - Pick Your Own
snap peas
snow peas
I'll be finishing the picking on Wednesday evening so let me know before that if you have a preference.
Have a great day and see you at pick and pick-your-own Thursday, 12:00 - 6:00.
Follow-up PYO on available on Saturday.
Laura Timmerman
910 Greenfield Rd
Leyden, MA 01337
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