June 7, 2010
Good morning, good people,
I feel like I am hitting my stride here on picking for the shares. Mostly I need to be well prepared ahead of the day so I can get picking by 6:00. This Thursday I plan on making a smoothie so that Friday includes me having food before 4:00 pm. Learning every day.
Still busy planting, both seeds and seedlings. But I am getting very close to being done with the main planting. Then it will be time for the next round of re-plantings! It is totally gorgeous outside today. I look forward to setting out the okra and sweet potatoes and the last of the peppers and eggplants tomorrow. I still need to plant cucumbers and pumpkins.
Everything is growing well. The combination of rain and sunshine is working. The tomato plants are getting huge and dark green already. Rob planted some hop vines this year and the tallest one is up to my chin! And that was yesterday; it's probably bigger today. Seriously.
There will be a delay on CILANTRO this year as it turned out that my seed was not viable. I have more seed and will be planting a bunch but there will be none for the early summer. Also, my RHUBARB patch needs a rest this year so there will be no more picked for the shares. I plan on doing a major re-haul of the area, weeding, dividing, and fertilizing. Maybe even getting more plants.
I want to remind you all to wash your vegetables. Even if I do wash things, which doesn't always happen, I am only rinsing off the larger bits of earth. It's your job to make sure your food is table ready. One reason I do it this way is that then there is another pair of eyes checking for twigs and other non-food items as well as unintentional ingredients in the salad mix. I am very careful while I pick. When I rinse I check again. Then you folks can recheck for odd items. There are a lot of kinds of leaves in the salad mix, including some "weeds" like chickweed and purslane. If you have doubts, set it aside and ask me about it.
I also try to maintain very clean picking and sorting areas for the shares. I use particular sanitized containers for picking and washing and I am vigilant about hand washing. I process everything in the kitchen, which is just an ordinary household kitchen that I am asking to do very heavy work. Each year I figure out ways to make the process smoother, quicker and safer. I welcome your suggestions.
Note: One thing I figured out last week is that the descriptions of the upcoming shares need to refer to the Wed. and Fri. of this week. It's not practical to guess what will be in the pick up shares a week from Wed. So this email is referring to Wednesday, June 9 and Friday, June 11. I ended up starting the mini shares this past Wednesday anyway, since there was so much ready in the garden.
On picking days, I usually send a quick email when the pick up shares are out in the screen house. Wednesday shares should be ready by 11 and Friday's by 12. Feel free to call. 773-8325
Hakurei Turnips
Here are few web sites I found related to the sweet white turnips that the garden is producing now. At my house, I can't seem to get them as far as a cooking pot. I just eat them raw.
(describes them as the "Hello Kitty of turnips")
(from Easthampton, MA)
head lettuce - These are looking so beautiful!
turnips with their tops
lamb's quarters
herb bundle
turnips with tops
head lettuce
mesclun - new in the mix is purslane (fat and juicy leaves) and borage (fuzzy leaves that smell like cukes)
lamb's quarters
kale? a bit - it looks so pretty and close to being ready.
mixed mustard greens - kind of spicy but great for soup or stirfry
bouquet featuring Sweet William
smaller amounts of the same items as the full shares but no kale or mustard greens
I have more shares available for sale if someone asks you about your CSA.
Have a great week,
Laura Timmerman
910 Greenfield Rd
Leyden, MA 01337
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