Everything is producing like mad! It's almost scary to go out to check the squashes and beans and cucumbers. Not a job for the faint hearted but a job that must be done at least every other day. This morning, (Wednesday), I picked alot of items for my own freezer but there is plenty of extra and more coming in for Friday. Feel free to come by here next week on Tuesday or Wednesday next week for more cukes or squash or beans if you find yourself running short or want to freeze some. Give a call first if possible. 773-8325
The baby chicks are officially chickens, fully feathered, they know how to roost at night, they know what do to with a giant zucchini and they even know how to escape their pen. They have not learned how to get back inside though. Plans are afoot for building their next enclosure with Rob's help. Also thanks to Robin, we now have a riding lawn mower which helps with the general sense, false or not, of being in control of the vegetation around here. However, every time I walk by the jack o'lantern pumpkins I get a little bit nervous. The vines remind me of that old horror movie, The Blob. They are spreading rapidly and look like they will soon be taking over the planet. Plus I KNOW there are pumpkins lurking in there!
One thing I like to grow is shell beans. I have 7 25 foot rows of shelling beans in the garden plus 1 teepee of Vermont Cranberry shelling beans. I noticed that the white Cannelinni beans (sort of a white kidney bean, for minestrone soup, for example) are forming up, as well as one kind of soy bean for edaname, Black Pearl. This is a new type for me. I fell for the catalog description: "One taste and you'll forever find space in your garden for this beautiful black soybean." Sounds good to me.
This seems to be a banner year for fruit. My trees are loaded. Most of them won't be ripe for awhile yet but I have been picking up drops from one apple that makes great sauce. I think it is a Red Astrachan but don't know for sure. If you would like some drops that are small and less than perfect but really tasty, let me know and I will add some to your share.
baby corn
mesclun - some for sure!
crabapples - There are lots available. Email or call by Thursday evening if you want 3-4 quarts for making sauce or jelly. Otherwise the your share will have 1-2 quarts.
Swiss chard
Asian onions
red onions
I don't have any actual recipes but here are a few tasty tips from Karen and Marie.
Dress cooked beans with mint and basil. (yum)
Roast your summer squashes for a tasty change from steaming or stir-frying.
Eat your vegetables!